Monday, May 16, 2011

Ian's Macbeth performance

Ian had a great time being in Much Ado About Shakespeare's production of the tragedy of Macbeth this year.

Ian was lucky enough to get his first choice role. He played the nobleman Macduff. It was an exciting and challenging role for him to play. He had to stretch himself to act out some big emotions on stage, which pushed him out of his comfort zone. But come performance night, he was great! Plus, he had to wear a kilt (being that they were in Scotland), but he wore it like a true Scot.

Ian (as Macduff) started the play with a bit of dancing. But this happy moment wouldn't last long.

Oh, what fun to dance in a circle
Ian would then go to visit with King Duncan at Macbeth's house. He did not know that Macbeth had already met with the witches and heard their prophecy. And he had no idea that Macbeth and his wife had already killed the king in their lust for power. What a shock to be the one to find the king's bloody, dead body! "O horror, horror, horror!"

"Awake, awake! Ring the alarum-bell. Murder and treason!"
"Our royal master's murdered!"
Of course, everyone except Macbeth and his wife are shocked at this "most sacrilegious murder" (although they act shocked just the same).

Macduff learns that Macbeth killed the suspected murderers (aka, patsies).
But Ian is not fooled for long. He suspects something is up with Macbeth, especially when he is already being crowned king after King Duncan's sons have fled, although he hasn't figured it out yet.

Macduff meeting with Angus and Ross
Once they have figured out Macbeth's bloody deeds, Ian has no idea that the witches have prophesied to Macbeth that he must beware of Macduff (Ian). While he is in England meeting with Malcolm, the deceased king's eldest son, and gathering an army, Macbeth sends murderers to Macduff's castle to murder Macduff's wife and children.

"Be not lacking in your speech: how goes't?"
"He has no children. All my pretty ones? Did you say all? O hell-kite! All? What, all my pretty chickens and their dam at one fell swoop? "
When Ian learns of this horror, he is stricken with grief and vows revenge upon Macbeth and to "feel it as a man."

"But, gentle heavens, bring thou this fiend of Scotland and myself; Within my sword's length set him; If he escape, heaven forgive him too!"
Ian gathers an army with Malcolm and they approach Macbeth. After Macbeth kills his last (Young Siward), Macduff is ready to put an end to him. Now the witches had prophesied to Macbeth that no one born of woman could kill him, so he was feeling quite invincible. But he soon learns that Macduff is an exception to the rule, and Macbeth has finally met his match.

"Turn, hell-hound, turn! I have no words. My voice is in my sword, thou bloodier villain than terms can give thee out!"
"Despair thy charm; Macduff was from his mother's womb untimely ripped."
"Then yield thee, coward!"
Ian wounds Macbeth and they finish their fight offstage. Ian (Macduff) was the victor, and to be sure Macbeth was dead, he brought his bloody head for proof. (This was the main reason Ian wanted to be get to "chop off" Macbeth's head.)

"Behold, where stands the usurper's cursed head."
So Ian (Macduff) had his revenge, although once the adrenaline high of beheading his enemy wears off, he will have no wife and children to return home to. Hopefully the new King Malcolm will have better intentions than tragic Macbeth.

Bravo! Huzzah!
Bravo! The kids were fantastic. I was so proud of Ian. He did so well bringing emotion to his character and his lines, which did not come naturally to him. A couple people even told me they got a little verklempt during his speech about his murdered family, so that made me happy. Way to go, Ian!

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